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Channel 4 News
Derbyshire Times
Hearst UK
Reach plc
B2P Communications Consulting
Channel 4 News
Eliza Craston (@ElizaCraston) is now a Producer for Channel 4 News. Eliza was previously a Senior Journalist at BBC World News and the BBC News Channel.
Derbyshire Times
Oliver McManus (@OliverGMcManus) recently joined the Derbyshire Times as a Reporter. Oliver was previously a Digital Reporter for the Dorset Echo.
Hearst UK
Gemma Crisp recently joined Hearst as Newsletter Strategy Director. Gemma was previously at Stylist UK for almost 10 years, where her last role was as Content Director, Email & Commerce.
Sylvie Wilkinson (@sylvwilk) is now Assistant News Editor at the i paper. Sylvie joined the team from MyLondon, where she was a Content Editor.
Reach plc
Lauren Morris (@laurenm345) will be joining Reach next week as Deputy TV Editor across their magazines and supplements. Lauren has spent the past three years covering entertainment for the Radio Times.
Jake Tucker (@_JakeTucker) has joined TechRadar as Editor-in-Chief of their gaming brand trg. Jake was previously with NME as Commissioning Editor, Video Games.
John Jones (@johnrmjones) is now a Sports Reporter at WalesOnline. John was previously a Senior Reporter on the newsdesk and can still be reached at the same email address.
B2P Communications Consulting
Pascal Jentsch has joined the Paris office of B2P Communications Consulting as Director, where he will be working alongside Managing Partner Bénédicte de Peretti and Director Frank Paul Weber. B2P was founded in 2013 and also has offices in Munich (under Managing Director Philipp Lehmann) and Berlin (under Director Manuel Fuchs). Last year, B2P joined forces with the Italian market leader Barabino & Partners to form a new European communications champion with some 140 consultants in eight offices across five countries (France, Germany, Italy, UK, and the US).
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About Natalie Beale
Natalie is Cision UK's Senior Content Editor, based in London. She manages the UK Media Moves newsletters, which showcase the latest journalist news and moves, as well as highlighting industry events and awards.
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