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Crawley Observer
Daily Express
The Face
Financial Times
Incisive Media
The London Economic
Mobile News
Nub News
The Rake
Freelance Update - Syl Tang
International Media Moves
Crawley Observer
Mark Dunford is the new Editor the Crawley Observer. Mark, previously Head of Community Sport across all JPI Media titles, will also serve as head of sport across their Sussex titles. He can be reached via email or found on Twitter @marksdunford
Daily Express
Alexander Green has been appointed as an Online Reporter for the Daily Express, where he will cover domestic and world news, all things Brexit, and the Royal Family. Contact Alexander via email or find him on Twitter @AJGreen97
The Face
Olive Pometsey has been appointed Features Editor at The Face. Previously a Junior Digital Editor at GQ magazine, Olive will be focusing on culture, politics and lifestyle features. She can be found on Twitter @olivepometsey
Financial Times
Matt Vella (@mattvella) has been appointed Editor of FTWeekend Magazine. His appointment follows Alice Fishburn's promotion to become the FT's Opinion Editor. Before joining the FT, Vella spent seven years at Time Inc. in senior editorial roles. Most recently, he was Time Magazine's Executive Editor responsible for the weekly magazine's editorial direction.
Incisive Media
Ellen Daniel, formerly a Senior Reporter at Verdict, is now Commercial Technology Editor at Incisive Media. Ellen can be found on Twitter @EllenGDaniel
Tim Dodd is to join LBC as a Content Editor. Tim, who has an MA in Broadcast Journalism, has had work experience at ITV Wales, The Guardian, Wales Online, Local TV and Buzz Magazine. He can be found tweeting at @TimDodd_
The London Economic
Andra Maria Măciucă will be joining The London Economic on 20 April as a Trending Reporter. Andra Maria, previously a Reporter for Archant, can be found on Linkedin and Twitter @andrammaciuca
Mobile News
Former Reporter Paul Lipscombe has been promoted to News Editor at Mobile News. Paul, who has been with the website since 2018, can be found on Twitter @PaulLipscombe
Joanna Lovell has been appointed to the role of Senior Social and Newsletter Writer at Netmums. Joanna was previously Parenting Reporter at Hull Live for Reach PLC, where she has worked as a journalist for 19 years. Reach Joanna via email or find her tweeting at @h5yjo
Nub News
Tom Surgay will be joining Nub News as a Regional Editor in June. Tom, who currently contributes to various sports websites, can be found on Twitter @tsurgay
Alice Howarth has been appointed Acting Editor of covering for Rachel Liddle. She is interested in hearing news from across fashion, beauty, craft, food and drink, recipes, wellbeing, fitness, entertainment, home ideas and travel.
The Rake
Veronica Perez has been promoted to Senior Stylist at The Rake. Veronica, previously Stylist, can continue to be reached at the same email address. She can be found on Instagram @veronicavpc
Alexander Ratz has been appointed as a Senior Correspondent for Reuters in Berlin, where he was previously Head of German Language Services. Alexander can be found on Twitter @angole and LinkedIn
Rebecca Keane has been appointed Deputy Editor at Stellar magazine. Rebecca has written for publications including,,,, and She can be reached via email or found on Twitter @rbcakn
Freelance Update - Syl Tang
New York-based author Syl Tang has completed her book sabbatical and is now available for op-eds pursuant to the topics in her book Disrobed (winner of the Indie Book Awards, featured in Vanity Fair and WWD). Focuses include current geopolitical issues, e.g. clashes around face coverings; topics such as climate change and future pandemics; and technological possibilities such as edible computers, tracking devices which can save lives, and driverless cars. She can be reached via her agent Linda Konner.
International Media Moves
La Razón
Marcos Pardeiro is now Online Editor-in-Chief for the Spanish national daily newspaper La Razón. He was previously Director of the online newspaper Economía Digital. Marcos has previous experience at La Razón, where he was Catalonia Bureau Chief between 2013 and 2017.
The Australian
Adam Creighton has started his new role as Washington DC Correspondent for The Australian. Adam has been with The Australian since January 2012 and most recently served as Economics Editor. Contact him via email or find him on Twitter @Adam_Creighton
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About Natalie Beale
Natalie is Cision UK's Senior Content Editor, based in London. She manages the UK Media Moves newsletters, which showcase the latest journalist news and moves, as well as highlighting industry events and awards.
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