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Capital Monitor
Caters Media Group
Financial Times
New Statesman
Trusted Reviews
Freelance Update - Hannah Ewens
Freelance Update - Rachel Wait
Freelance Update - Cydney Yeates
Capital Monitor
Adrian Murdoch (@adrianmurdoch) has been appointed Deputy Editor at Capital Monitor, where he was previously Sustainable Companies Editor. Adrian will be covering sustainability more broadly in term of corporates, banks and asset owners.
Caters Media Group
Dylan Hayward (@dylanhayward) has joined Caters Media Group as a Video Reporter after graduating earlier this year with a BA in Journalism.
Former Money Mail Editor Victoria Bischoff (@VBischoff) has been appointed Consumer Editor for and is now based in New York.
Financial Times
The Financial Times has launched Fashion Matters, a weekly newsletter on the intersection of business, culture, politics and style. The newsletter intends to shine a light on the $2tn fashion industry, featuring exclusive newsletter-only content on how the fashion and luxury industries operate. Fashion Matters is designed for readers interested in clothing, branding, consumer culture and sustainability.
Sophie Gallagher (@scfgallagher) has been named Deputy Features and Lifestyle Editor at the i paper. Sophie has previously served as Acting Features Editor and Deputy Features Editor at the title.
Filipa Lobo Gaspar (@filipalgaspar) recently moved to Kendal, Cumbria to work as a Community Reporter for The Westmorland Gazette and The Mail. Filipa can be reached via email.
New Statesman
Will Lloyd (@Will___lloyd) will be joining the New Statesman in January as Commissioning Editor and Writer. He was previously a Staff Writer and Commissioning Editor at UnHerd.
Ellen C Scott (@ellencscott) has been appointed Deputy Digital Editor at Ellen joins the title after several years at, where her most recent role was Lifestyle & Weekend Editor.
Trusted Reviews
Thomas Deehan has returned to Trusted Reviews as Deputy Editor after a short stint with Nous Communications as a Senior Account Executive. Thomas, a former Buyers' Advice Editor, oversees the title’s best lists.
Freelance Update - Hannah Ewens
Hannah Ewens (@hannahrosewens), currently at Rolling Stone UK, will be writing freelance full-time from December and is open for commissions of profiles, essays and features about music, culture and life. Hannah is also available for commercial copywriting, musician bios, media training, editorial consulting, event hosting, live interviews and video producing.
Freelance Update - Rachel Wait
Rachel Wait (@RachelWait) is available for personal finance freelance commissions. She covers a range of topics, including property, savings, insurance, energy and money issues, and has written for a number of national newspapers and personal finance sites.
Freelance Update - Cydney Yeates’s Assistant TV Editor Cydney Yeates (@cydneyyeates) will be going freelance from the end of January, when she will be available for television, entertainment, and travel commissions. Cydney has worked at the title for four years and was previously at the Daily Star.
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Natalie is Cision UK's Senior Content Editor, based in London. She manages the UK Media Moves newsletters, which showcase the latest journalist news and moves, as well as highlighting industry events and awards.
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